A lyrical interpretation of timeless fashion, Poetrycomes from the brilliant minds of the creators of a young Delhi-based outdoor gear startup - Road Gods. The brand curates bags for women - and communicates with them both as the Muse behind their designs, and the possessors of the final masterpieces.
One can pen a plethora of different thoughts on paper - but what verses would suit a brand that talks about tangible, premium bags? One needed to build a storyline that established a connection between the Poetry and its Muse, and also defined a clean identity for the brand across social media platforms.
This was done by turning ourselves into Poets that described the different shades of a woman and translating them into words.
The Feeling of Wanting to do Something Adventurous:
Running away into the wilderness
Sweaty limbs brushing through wet leaves
Splashing muddy water on fragrant flowers
Reaching out to sunshine
The sun calling out from the horizon,
Ready to sleep, but not leaving alone
Waiting for you to embrace what you want to;
Answers to all the questions you have
A cold breeze, dogs howling at a distance
Answers in the dark, between humongous trees
Bees buzzing around, creepers all over the ground
Sitting in the lap of the highest tree
Feeling safe away from the rambling world
An escape so extraordinary
An escape so vague
An escape so successful.

The Sense to be Empowered:
It's a dark room
An endless one
With me in the centre
No idea of what lies ahead of me
Or behind me
Or any way inside
It's scary in that dark room
An evil atmosphere
With no sound or touch of existence
No idea of where to go
Or what to do
Or what not to
It's a dark eerie room
And I'm my own flashlight.
The Sudden Love for Self Love:
Do you realise what you have
What you can do
The power you possess
Or you wait
Wait for it to be lost
Into a world that's dark and mysterious, has no way out
Wait to see it go
And then sit and wonder
Why you never appreciated
And never held it tight to your chest
Maybe you should've
Maybe you should continue to realise everyday
What you have
And what you possess that's different for you
... and no one else out there.